Final Thoughts On Smart Mogul Tactics

Mastering smart mogul skiing tactics can turn a challenging bump run into a pleasurable and fun experience. Here are the key points to remember:

  • The Green Line is a slow route that does not require fast reflexes and can enable you to ski a challenging bump run as if it was an easy-to-ski green run.
  • The Blue Line is a slightly faster route that also does not require fast reflexes and enables you to ski a challenging bump run as if were a safe and friendly blue intermediate run.
  • The Black Line is a faster line that will typically challenge your reflex speed but can be useful mogul skiing technique when the mogul run is not steep and/or the bumps are spaced widely apart.
  • The Zipper Line is that fastest way to ski a mogul run and should be avoided unless your are a 20 or 30 year old skier with strong athleticism and ultra-fast reflexes.
  • The primary value of mastering smart Green Line and Blue Line mogul skiing tactics is that these two lines DO NOT require fast reflexes. If your mogul skiing technique is based upon the need for fast reflexes then you run the risk that your reflex speed will ultimately not be fast enough as the steepness of the hill increases and/or as you get older because your reflex speed will decrease with age.  Use the Green Line and Blue Line to future-proof your mogul skiing technique.
  • You will have more fun if you mix and match the Green Line, Blue Line and Black line techniques, as appropriate, depending on your personal frame of mind, terrain characteristics and weather/visibility factors.
  • Rather than pre-plan your entire route down a mogul run just focus on making one turn at a time.
  • Don’t over-think how to ski a mogul run. UNTHINK and either just drift to a turn or just turn to a drift.

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