Are You Stuck In the Intermediate Rut?

Would you describe yourself as a skier stuck in the intermediate rut on groomed runs? Are you ready to get off those same groomed runs you’ve skied way too many times – over and over – and start skiing the entire mountain? The Aspen-based BUMPS FOR BOOMERS can turn that goal into a reality for you.

We understand you have limited time and money to learn how to ski moguls. We also understand you likely have many of the following frustrations with your skiing. How many of these describe you?

  • You spend most of your time repetitively skiing over-crowded  groomed runs.
  • Your anxiety goes up on crowded slopes and you wish you had the skills to ski on less crowded terrain.
  • You have little interest in cliff jumping, zipper-line mogul runs or emulating the skier on the cover of most skiing magazines.
  • Avoiding falls and preventing injury is a major priority while skiing. You don’t have time for physical therapy!
  • Better form and increased control are more important than just skiing fast.
  • Your reflexes are starting to slow down and you need to improve your balance and control to accommodate an aging body.
  • Bored on groomed runs, you’ll jump in a few moguls but struggle to stay in control and quickly bail back onto groomed terrain to avoid injury.
  • You would like to learn techniques that will reduce knee pain, reduce fatigue and extend the longevity of your skiing years.
  • You’d like to discover more of whatever mountain you are skiing but explore mogul and powder terrain on your own terms skiing safely with confidence.
  • Maybe you are now skiing with your grandkids and those little buggers are starting to ski terrain that you can’t!
If you saw yourself in those statements, we have something different to offer you.

BUMPS FOR BOOMERS is not a conventional mogul ski lesson program. Since 2001, we’ve been helping our clients escape the corduroy and begin skiing the whole mountain. Our program addresses all of these frustrations and gives you a new set of skills to overcome them.

Ready to book now? Submit your reservation request on-line, or call us at 970-989-2529.

Questions? E-mail us or call us at 970-989-2529

4-Day Mogul Clinic
4-Day Mogul Clinic

The 4-day mogul ski clinic is our most popular clinic. This clinic is truly transformational – take control and grow your skill set.

3-Day MBA Clinic
3-Day MBA Clinic

Who needs an MBA from Harvard when you can earn your “Master of Bumps Academy” degree in Aspen? Participation in this clinic is restricted to clients who have previously taken a 4-Day Mogul Ski Clinic.

Private Lesson
Private Lesson

Custom tailored for your special requirements. A minimum of two-days is required to replicate the learning of our mogul ski clinic. Our ‘Highland Bowl’ lesson is the ultimate extreme mogul ski lesson in North America.

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